
तदुपरागापेक्षित्वात् चित्तस्य वस्तुज्ञाताज्ञातं ॥१७॥
tad uparaga apekshitvat chittasya vastu jnatajnatam ||17||

[RS] 4.17 However, whether an object, situation or person is understood or misjudged depends on the emotional preconceptions and the expectations of that which is mutable in human beings.

[JW] 4.17 A thing is known or not known by virtue of its affecting [or not affecting] the mind-stuff.

[SS] 4.17 An object is known or unknown depending on whether or not the mind gets colored by it. [p215]

[EB] 4.17 A thing is either known or not known by the mind depending on whether it is noticed by the mind. [p435]

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tad = that; whose

uparāga = coloring; to be near; excite; cause; provoke

tad-uparāga = emotional preconception

apekṣitvāt = our expectations; to expect

cittasya = for or through chitta, all that is mutable in human beings;

vastu = object; situation; person

jñāta = known; recognized

ajñātaṁ = not known; misjudged