
न चैकचित्ततन्त्रं चेद्वस्तु तदप्रमाणकं तदा किं स्यात् ॥१६॥
na chaika chitta tantram chedvastu tad apramanakam tada kim syat ||16||

[RS] 4.16 Nor does an object depend on that which is mutable in human beings; for if it did, then what would happen to the object if it were not perceived?

[JW] 4.16 And a thing is not dependent upon a single mind-stuff, [for then in certain cases] it could not be proved [by that mind-stuff], [and] then what would it be?

[SS] 4.16 Nor does an object's exsistence depend upon a single mind, for if it did, what would become of that object when that mind did not perceive it? [p215]

[EB] 4.16 An object is not dependent on a single mind [for its existence]; if it were, then what happens to it when it is not perceived [by that particular mind]? [p434]

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na = not

ca = and

eka = one

citta = mind; spirit; all that is mutable in human beings;

tantram = dependent

cet = is

vastu = object; thing

tat = that

apramāṇakaṁ = not recognized; not perceived

tadā = then

kim = what

syāt = happen