
बाह्याभ्यन्तरस्थम्भ वृत्तिः देशकालसन्ख्याभिः परिदृष्टो दीर्घसूक्ष्मः ॥५०॥
bāhya-ābhyantara-sthambha vṛttiḥ deśa-kāla-sankhyābhiḥ paridṛṣṭo dīrgha-sūkṣmaḥ ||50||

[RS] 2.50 Exhalation, inhalation, retention, technique, time and number must be very precisely regulated over a lengthy period.

[JW] 2.50 External or internal or suppressed in fluctuation and is regulated in place and time and number and is protracted and subtile.

[SS] 2.50 The modifications of the life-breath are either external, internal or stationary. They are to be regulated by space, time and number and are either long or short. [p159]

[EB] 2.50 [Pranayamah] manifests as external, internal, and restrained movements [of breath]. These are drawn out and subtle in accordance to place, time, and number. [p290]

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(बाह्य, bāhya) = external; exhalation
(अभ्यन्तर, abhyantara) = internal; inhalation
(स्तम्भ, stambha) = steadiness; restraint; suspension; stationary
(वृत्तिः, vṛttiḥ) = wave; thoughts; thought waves; movement
(देश, deśa) = place; technique
(काल, kāla) = time
(संख्याभिः, saṁkhyābhiḥ) = number; mathematics
(परिदृष्टो, paridṛṣṭo) = measured; regulated; precisely observed; verified
(दीर्घ, dīrgha) = long; extended
(सूक्ष्मः, sūkṣmaḥ) = subtle; fine