
व्युत्थाननिरोधसंस्कारयोः अभिभवप्रादुर्भावौ निरोधक्षण चित्तान्वयो निरोधपरिणामः ॥९॥
vyutthāna-nirodha-saṁskārayoḥ abhibhava-prādurbhāvau nirodhakṣaṇa cittānvayo nirodha-pariṇāmaḥ ||9||

[RS] 3.9 That high level of mastery called nirodhah-parinamah occurs in the moment of transition when the rising tendency of deep impressions, the subsiding tendency, and the mutable nature of humankind (chitta) converge.

[JW] 3.9 When there is a becoming invisible of the subliminal-impression of emergence and a becoming visible of the subliminal impression of restriction, the mutation of restriction is inseparably connected with mind-stuff in its period of restriction.

[SS] 3.9 The impressions which normally arise are made to disappear by the appearance of suppressive efforts, which in turn create new mental modifications. The moment of conjunction of mind and new modifications is nirodha parinama. [p180]

[EB] 3.9 The state of restraint, nirodha, is when there is disappearance of outgoing [i.e., wordly] samskaras and the appearance of restraining samskaras. These emerge in the mind at the moment of restraint. [p315]

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(व्युत्थान, vyutthāna) = disjointedness
(निरोध, nirodha) = tranquility
(संस्कारयोः, saṁskārayoḥ) = impression based on past experience
(अभि, abhi) =
(अभिभव, abhibhava) = to overcome; to disappear
(प्रादुः, prāduḥ) =
(भावौ, bhāvau) = to ascend; to appear
(निरोध, nirodha) = tranquility
(क्षण, kṣaṇa) = situation; moment
(चित्त, citta) = all that is mutable in human beings; mind
(अन्वय, anvaya) = connection with; relationship
(निरोध, nirodha) = tranquility
(परिणामः, pariṇāmaḥ) = transition; change; evolution