
तदपि बहिरङ्गं निर्बीजस्य ॥८॥
tadapi bahiraṅgaṁ nirbījasya ||8||

[RS] 3.8 However, these three steps are still external compared to ultimate knowledge (nirbija samadhi).

[JW] 3.8 Even these [three] are indirect aids to seedless [concentration].

[SS] 3.8 Even these three are external to the seedless samadhi. [p179]

[EB] 3.8 Yet even these are external limbs in relation to "seedless" samadhi. [p314]

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(तत्, tat) = that; which
(अपि, api) = also
(बहिर्, bahir) = external
(अङ्ग, aṅga) = part; limb; step
(निर्बीज, nirbīja) = seedless (samaadhi); compared to nirbija samadhi