
यम नियमासन प्राणायाम प्रत्याहार धारणा ध्यान समाधयोऽष्टावङ्गानि ॥२९॥
yama niyama-āsana prāṇāyāma pratyāhāra dhāraṇā dhyāna samādhayo-'ṣṭāvaṅgāni ||29||

[RS] 2.29 The limbs of the eight-fold path are as follows: respect for others (yama) and yourself (niyama); harmony with your body (asana), your energy (pranayama), your thoughts (dharana), and your emotions (pratyahara); contemplation (dhyana); ecstasy (samadhi).

[JW] 2.29 Abstentions and observances and postures and regulations-of-the-breath and withdrawal-of-the-senses and fixed-attention and contemplation and concentration.

[SS] 2.29 The eight limbs of Yoga are:
1) yama (abstinence).
2) niyama (observance)
3) asana (posture)
4) pranayama (breath control).
5) pratyahara (sense withdrawal).
6) dharana (concentration).
7) dhyana (meditation).
8) samadhi (comtemplation, absorption or super-conscious state). [p124]

[EB] 2.29 The eight limbs are abstentions, observances, posture, breath, control, disengagement of the senses, concentration, meditation, and absorption. [p242]

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(यम, yama) = respect for others; ethical and moral codes of conduct; codes of conduct
(नियम, niyama) = respect for yourself; code of conduct vis-à-vis yourself
(आसन, āsana) = body posture; seat; harmony with your body
(प्राणायाम, prāṇāyāma) = breath control; harmony with vital energy
(प्रत्याहार, pratyāhāra) = withdrawal of the senses; harmony with emotions
(धारणा, dhāraṇā) =  concentration; harmony with thoughts
(ध्यान, dhyāna) = contemplation; meditation
(समाधयः, samādhayaḥ) = ecstasy; samadhi; goal of yoga; enlightenment; transcendent state
(अष्ट, aṣṭa) = respect
(अङ्गानि, aṅgāni) = limbs