
श्रुतानुमानप्रज्ञाभ्यामन्यविषया विशेषार्थत्वात् ॥४९॥
śruta-anumāna-prajñā-abhyām-anya-viṣayā viśeṣa-arthatvāt ||49||

[RS] 1.49 Consciousness is characterized by a special relationship to the object. This relationship exceeds the bounds of knowledge that is received and followed.

[JW] 1.49 Has another object than the insight resulting from things heard or from inferences, inasmuch as its intended object is a particular.

[SS] 1.49 This special truth is totally different from knowledge gained by hearing, study of scripture or inference. [p73]

[TD] 1.49 His knowledge is no longer based on memory or inference. It is spontaneous, direct, and at both a level and an intensity that is beyond the ordinary. [p163]

[EB] 1.49 It [seedless samadhi] has a different focus from that of inference and sacred scripture, because it has the particularity of things as its object. [p159]

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(श्रुत, śruta) = heard; received
(अनु, anu) = from
(मान, māna) = mind; understanding
(अनुमान, anumāna) = conclusion
(प्रज्ञा, prajñā) = consciousness; true knowledge
(अन्य, anya) = other; different
(विषया, viṣayā) = object; content
 (विशेष, viśeṣa) = special
(अर्थ, artha) = image; picture; object; truth
(अर्थत्वात्, arthatvāt) = truth in respect to; relationship to