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Play to Learn

Second Edition 2014:

Play to Learn - A Creative Approach to Learning App Development
DATES: Tuesdays, January 28, February 4, 11, 18;
TIME: 7:00PM - 9:00PM; WINTER 2014
Instructor: John Henry Thompson
Workshop Location: Scribe Video Center
4212 Chestnut Street
3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Fee: $100. Includes 8 hours of individual lab time

Click here to visit scribe.com for workshop location and cost.

Week 1:
The Creative Learning Approach
Introduction to Scratch
Creating Scratch projects.
Re-mixing and Exploring

Week 2:
Review of Scratch projects
Creative Programming at khanacademy.org/cs
Introduction to JavaScript at khanacademy.org/cs

Week 3:
Review khanacademy.org projects
Introduction to programming in the Browser with JavaScript and Canvas

Review programming in the Browser with JavaScript and Canvas
Present favorite projects
