
तदेवार्थमात्रनिर्भासं स्वरूपशून्यमिवसमाधिः ॥३॥
tadeva-artha-mātra-nirbhāsaṁ svarūpa-śūnyam-iva-samādhiḥ ||3||

[RS] 3.3 Insight (samadhi) occurs when only the subject matter of the orientation shines forth without any being affected by the person in question.

[JW] 3.3 This same [contemplation], shining forth [in consciousness] as the intended object and nothing more, and, as it were, emptied of itself, is concentration.

[SS] 3.3 Samadhi is the same meditation when there is the shining of the object alone, as if devoid of form. [p175]

[EB] 3.3 Samadhi is when the same dhyana shines forth as the object alone and [the mind] is devoid of its own [reflective] nature. [p306]

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(तद्, tad) = thus; there; hence; now
(एव, eva) = the same; actually
(तदा, tadā) = precisely when
(अर्थ, artha) = meaning; object; subject; topic
(मात्र, mātra) = only; alone
(निर्भासा, nirbhāsā) = luminous; radiant
(स्वरूप, svarūpa) = own form; own nature; personality; subjectivity; chitta
(शून्यम्, śūnyam) =  empty; devoid of
(इव, iva) =  as if
(समाधिः, samādhiḥ) = samadhi; goal of yoga; state of enlightenment; transcendent state; absolute knowledge