
परिणामत्रयसंयमाततीतानागत ज्ञानम् ॥१६॥
pariṇāmatraya-saṁyamāt-atītānāgata jñānam ||16||

[RS] 3.16 Meditation (samyama) on the three types of change (parinama-traya) gives rise to knowledge of the past and future.

[JW] 3.16 As a result of constraint upon the three mutations [there follows] the knowledge of the past and the future.

[SS] 3.16 By practicing samyama on the three stages of evolution comes knowledge of past and future. [p183]

[EB] 3.16 When samyama is performed on the three transformations [of characteristics, state, and condition], knowledge of the past and the future ensues. [p329]

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(परिणाम, pariṇāma) = change; evolution
(त्रय, traya) = the three
(संयमात्, saṁyamāt) = concentration; contemplation; samyama; meditation
(अतीत, atīta) = past
(अनागत, anāgata) = future
(ज्ञानम्, jñānam) = knowledge; insight