
सत्त्वशुद्धिः सौमनस्यैकाग्र्येन्द्रियजयात्मदर्शन योग्यत्वानि च ॥४१॥
sattva-śuddhiḥ saumanasya-ikāgry-endriyajaya-ātmadarśana yogyatvāni ca ||41||

[RS] 2.41 Also the capacity for clarity, cleanliness, cheerfulness and intentness, as well as mastery over the senses, ultimately give rise to self realization.

[JW] 2.41 Purity of sattva and gentleness and singleness-of-intent and subjugation of the senses and fitness for the sight of the self.

[SS] 2.41 Moreover, one gains purity of sattva, cheerfulness of mind, one-pointedness, mastery over the senses, and fitness for Self-realization. [p145]

[EB] 2.41 Upon the purification of the mind, [one attains] cheerfulness, one-pointedness, sense control, and fitness to perceive the self. [p270]

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(सत्त्व, sattva) = truth; purity; light; clarity
(शुद्धिः, śuddhiḥ) = purification
(सौमनस्य, saumanasya) = high-mindedness, cheerfulness, clarity, pleasantness, goodness, gladness
(एकाग्र्य, ekāgrya) = intentness; the ability to concentrate; one-pointedness
(इन्द्रिय, indriya) = senses; organs of perception
(जया, jayā) = mastery; victory over
(आभिमत, ābhimata) = the absolute
(दर्शन, darśana) = realization; seeing; experiencing
(आत्मदर्शन, ātmadarśana) = self-realization; self-knowledge
(योग्यत्वानि, yogyatvāni) = suitability; capability
(, ca) = and; also