
एतयैव सविचारा निर्विचारा च सूक्ष्मविषय व्याख्याता ॥४४॥
etayaiva savicārā nirvicārā ca sūkṣma-viṣaya vyākhyātā ||44||

[RS] 1.44 If the object of concentration is of a subtle nature, these two described states are known as savichraara and nirvichara samapatti.

[JW] 1.44 By this same [balanced state] the reflective and the super [reflective balanced] states are also explained as having subtile objects.

[SS] 1.44 In the same way, savichara (reflective) and nirvichara (super or non-reflective) samadhis, which are practiced upon subtle objects, are explained. [p68]

[TD] 1.44 This process is possible with any type of object, at any level of perception, whether superficial and general or in-depth and specific. [p162]

[EB] 1.44 The states of samadhi with "subtle awareness" and without "subtle awareness," whose objects of focus are the subtle nature [of things], are explained in the same manner. [p149]

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(एतया, etayā) = by this; by these
(एव, eva) = even; also
(सविचारा, savicārā) = with an investigation; savichara samapatti; the next most subtle state of samapatti
(सविचारा, savicārā) = without an investigation; nirvichara samapatti; the next most subtle state of samapatti [Sanskrit should say nirvichara]
(, ca) = and
(सूक्ष्म, sūkṣma) = subtle
(विषय, viṣaya) = object
(व्याख्याता, vyākhyātā) = described; explained