
वितर्कविचारानन्दास्मितारुपानुगमात्संप्रज्ञातः ॥१७॥
vitarka-vicāra-ānanda-asmitā-rupa-anugamāt-saṁprajñātaḥ ||17||

[RS] 1.17 This absolute knowledge is engendered incrementally by divination, experience, joy, and ultimately the feeling of oneness.

[JW] 1.17 [Concentration becomes] conscious [of its object] by assuming forms either of deliberation [upon coarse objects] or of reflection [upon subtile objects] or of joy or of the feeling-of-personality.

[SS] 1.17 Samprajnata samadhi (distinguished contemplation) is accompanied by reasoning, reflecting, rejoicing and pure I-am-ness. [p31]

[TD] 1.17 Then the object is gradually understood fully. At first it is at a more superficial level. In time, comprehension becomes deeper. And finally it is total. There is pure joy in reaching such a depth of understanding. For then the individual is so much at one with the object he is oblivious to his surroundings. [p154]

[EB] 1.17 Samprajnata [samadhi] consists of [the consecutive] mental stages of absorption with physical awareness, absorption with subtle awareness, absorption with bliss, and absorption with the sense of I-ness. [p61]

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(वितर्क, vitarka) = divination; opinion; thoughts
(विचार, vicāra) = experience; concentration; reflection
(आनन्द, ānanda) = happiness; joy; bliss
(अस्मिता, asmitā) = feeling of oneness; sense of self
(रूप, rūpa) = form; nature
(अस्मितारूप, asmitā-rūpa) = feeling of oneness with nature and with one’s own form
(अनुगमात्, anugamāt) = resulting from these steps
(संप्रज्ञात, saṁprajñāta) = absolute knowledge